Net Neutrality @ PH

Nicole Tancontian
2 min readOct 26, 2020

What’s “net neutrality” in the first place?

Net neutrality is the concept of having free access all content and applications equally, regardless of the source, especially without Internet Service Providers discriminating against specific online services or websites (Public Knowledge, 2019).

In a way, favoring the consumer’s need above all else.

The term was coined by Tim Wu, a law professor in Columbia University, when he used it in a 2003 paper (can be found here: talking about online discrimination. In the paper, Wu talked about ISPs’ tendency to restrict connections and called for anti-discrimination rules (Finley, 2020).

In the Philippines, I believe this is an on-going problem, especially in line with online classes this pandemic. Despite a consumer upgrade, “normal citizens” are less prioritized. Not to mention, talk of internet speed and cable connection has always been quite a sensitive topic for Filipinos, especially because of its injustices.

An example would be of the trending tweet of Filipino actress Liza Soberano about PLDT’s fast response which sparked controversy on Twitter as netizens were quick to point out the unbalanced treatment given to celebrities as opposed to regular paying customers (Nitura, 2020).

Although the actress states in further tweets that it was not her intention to brag and urged ISP to have a stable connection for all consumers, we cannot deny this as evidence for improper treatment.

For everyone to have 300 MBPS? The net neutrality dream.


Finley, K. (2020, May 05). The WIRED Guide to Net Neutrality. Retrieved from

Nitura, J. (2020, September 09). Liza Soberano’s Tweet on Her Fast Internet Connection Sparks Debate on VIP Treatment. Retrieved from

Public Knowledge. (2019). Net Neutrality. Retrieved from Public

